Truck Accidents In Los Angeles – When You Need A Personal Injury Attorney
Los Angeles is famous for its movie stars, but partly equally as famous for its terrible traffic. This chronic problem is made all the more dangerous by the thousands of big - contingent trucks that use the California freeways as main arteries to transport the goods coming in from ports like Long Beach and San Pedro. Notoriously crowded freeways comparable as the 110, the 405 and the 605 are oftentimes the scenes of uncouth truck accidents, making a Los Angeles Truck Accident Attorney a necessity. Because of the size and scope of these bulky trucks course at high speeds on our freeways, the victims of these Truck Accidents – most generally the occupants of the passenger cars they collide with – suffer long - term gross injuries, close as spinal chord injury, head trauma and like death. As a backwash, licensed are as many Truck Accident Lawyers in Los Angeles as qualified are movie stars.
Truckers, like the rest of us, are under the viewing now with high gas prices guzzling up a better share of their profits. Big - organization drivers are in a superior expedite to deliver their goods. The crop of all this pressure? Longer hours, less sleep, and more stress. Unfortunately, this is a system for catastrophe. Truck Accidents in Los Angeles are on the rise as is the need for Truck Accident Lawyers.
We’ve all empitic it: truck drivers weaving in front of us, merging over into our alley of traffic, or following too close. And on congested Los Angeles freeways, this type of reckless behavior does not concession passenger cars nearby much room to stirring. Eighteen - wheelers pose a particularly dangerous threat on the road. Fully loaded, trucks can sift in at more than 80, 000 pounds. Stack that up against a typical family car weighing 3000 pounds or less and it’s clear why a Los Angeles Truck Accident Lawyer agrees that this type of Truck Accident constitutes one of the largest proportion of fatalities among motor vehicle accidents – one out of every nine accidents. It also produces a disproportionately high scale of gross injury. Personal Injury Attorneys in Los Angeles who specialize in Truck Accidents can reference to the reality that 78 % of fatalities in these types of truck accidents were not the truck drivers themselves, but were the occupants of the other vehicle. In many cases, these other drivers were innocent victims of truck drivers’ negligence.
So what are the contributing factors to these frightening truck accident statistics?
• Driver weariness. Truck drivers are pushing their limits to deliver their goods, driving with immature sleep and an extra load of stress. They’re driving faster and pushing the envelope of safety. They keep less and less distance between themselves and the passenger cars nearby.
• Inexperienced truck drivers who deprivation training.
• Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
• Driving too fast. Did you know that a mere 10 mph over the speed limit can halfway double the distance a truck needs to brake safely– from 315 feet to 400 feet. In wet weather, those figures practically twin to 720 feet for a full lull.
• Following too closely. The DMV recommends a car loop for every ten miles per hour. But with big rigs measuring in at 65 feet long, you can gape the stopping distance submerged exceeds the usual following region we all penetrate truckers following on the freeway.
• Loss of power. Seemingly lower errors in driving that could be tender corrected in a passenger car can become fatal errors in a big bunch. Over - appeal, too tiny braking look-in, and bulky loads balanced on the trailer can all ration to a low truck accident.
In October of 2007, one of the worst truck accidents in California history occurred in Santa Clarita when 15 trucks converged on a cave known for its safety issues. But the trucks, trek at a high degree of speed, despite the melancholy visibility in the curve of the hollow virgin, caused a scalding collision, labyrinthine fatalities and many more serious injuries. Truck accident experts – as well as Personal Injury Attorneys and Truck Accident Lawyers – rest assured that this kind of truck accident could have been avoided if the truckers had reduced their speed vigor into the sick lit, curving tunnel.
Los Angeles Personal Injury Attorneys are all too recognized with the horror stories emerging from these types of catastrophic truck accidents. Collisions involving trucks constitute 1 out of every 9 fatal motor vehicle accidents.
While fatalities and injuries of the truckers themselves are concerning, they represent a proportionately slight cartel of victims. Typically, in fatal truck accidents, only fifteen percent are the truckers themselves. Who suffers the most from truck accidents? People like you. Innocent people. Loved ones who did zip more than get on the freeway to drive home.
If you or someone you love has been involved in a truck accident what can you do? Contact a Personal Injury Attorney in Los Angeles or a Los Angeles Truck Accident Lawyer who specialize in this type of Personal Injury lawsuit. They can advise you about what steps to file a Personal Injury claim, whether or not you have been injured. In one Truck Accident, the father of two children was killed in a head on semi - truck collision and was awarded $2, 000, 000. In another case, a man killed on a motorcycle by a big span truck hackneyed a $4 million dollar settlement as of negligence of the truck driver. In each of these cases, being represented by an experienced and competent Los Angeles Personal Injury Attorney.
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