Monday, July 1, 2013

Tustin California Teen Charged With Murder After Car Accident

Tustin California Teen Charged With Murder After Car Accident

A 17 - time - ancient Tustin boy has been indicted on murder charges after he caused a car accident driving while flying high earlier in August this interval. Santa Ana inhabitant Milad Mouyali is accused of driving under the influence when he crashed his Mercedes Benz into a pole. The impact split the car into two. Mouyali was reportedly savoir-faire 100 miles per hour. His 16 - lifetime - ancient passenger was killed. Mouyali himself wild with minor injuries in the car accident.
In indicting Milad, an Orange County grand jury has charged him as an sexy. He has been accused of the killing of Mackenzie Frazee, his intimate who he was driving home that midnight.
On August 28, Milad reported had a festive occasion at his flophouse where Mackenzie seems to have been a guest. He had several drinks, and accordingly at about 2: 40 am, he set out in his car to drop the unpracticed dame home. According to the Orange County Register, Mouyali drove far supreme the speed limit on the way to Mackenzie’s home, his speed snaking between 102 miles per hour and 112 miles per hour. At some point, he seems to have lost domination of his car, and slammed into a pole. The impact caused the front of the car to explode in campfire. Frazee, who had to be extricated from her seat by firefighters, was avowed moth-eaten from blunt horsepower trauma.
After the car accident, Mouyali’s blood alcohol equable was tested, and was form to be. 11. He was get going to have been driving without a valid license too. He is expected to be arraigned on Monday. Mouyali faces one felony murder constitute, and one driving without a license misdemeanor onset.
The Orange County fair jury seems to have keen Mouyali’s speed, as well as his drunk driving note consideration in their the call to charge him as an blue. If convicted, Mouyali could be sentenced to life in prison.
The Orange County Register reports that he empty the alcoholic drinks at his own residence. What were his parents inwardness, allowing him to drink at home, and accordingly, get behind the wheel? It’s clear learned has been a combine of green arrogance, and parental negligence at work here. All of these seem to have played an equal moiety in costing Mackenzie Frazee her life. At this Orange County car accident lawyer blog, we extend our deepest sympathies to her family at this continuance of loss.

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